20 de nov. de 2008

O mundo com amor

"A justiça e a Miséria" uma pintura que fiz em 2004 e transformei em arte digital.

" Justice and the Miseria" a painting that I made in 2004 and I transformed into digital art.

"Vista Aérea" pintura de uma paisagem onde mostra a geleira se derretento pelo o grande calor do sol, o aumento d' água, a destruição da vegetação, uma pintura abstrata que fiz em 2008 e transformei em arte digital, para enviar para este projeto.

" Aérea" sight; painting of a landscape where it shows to the derretento glacier if for the o great heat of the sun, the increase d' water, the destruction of the vegetation, an abstract painting that I made in 2008 and I transformed into digital art, to send for this project.

"O abraço". Xilogravura

"The I hug" Xilogravura

Arte Digital

Digital Art

Desenho Carvão e guache.
Fiz no verso da arte digital

Drawing Coal and gouache.
I made in the verse of the digital art

Frente e Verso


A diversidade de trabalhos que envie para o projeto.

The diversity of works that it sends for the project.

18 de nov. de 2008

Mail Train

Ádria FF

Celestino Neto

O trem que fica expostona Praça 4º Sentenario

O Trem - Mail Train Festival Minden 2008

Convocatoria - Mail Train


Mail Art Project „MAIL TRAIN“

for the 100th anniversary of the Historic Steam Train to and from Minden/Germany.

Exhibition on the running train with official mail transportation.


postcards only, standard size, sent by normal mail: no letters please, and no e-mails.




free to all, includes full adresses list. No rejects, no returns.


31 March 2009


ll early arrivals will travel on the anniversary train Sat 13 December 2008 from Minden to Hille. Come yourself and be part of the show! Travel with us on the train, join our big Mail-Art and Performance-Festival „IN THE TRAIN OF TIME“ with 40 participants from all over the network: 12 – 14 December 2008. Minden is beautiful in winter: enjoy the locomotive steam in the clear sky!


VERY early arrivals until 1 August 2008 get printed full-color in artmagazine
OSWALD, depending on available space

P.O.Box 2644
32383 Minden
Germoney Utd.


A Divindade do santo Graal.

The Deity of the Graal saint.


10 de nov. de 2008

Exposição de Gravura no México

Fiquei muito feliz em participar da exposição de gravura do México, um devoto para Paz.

“Prints for Peace”

Entre no link abaixo para ver a amostra.

It enters in link below to see the sample.

Trank Guadalupe Victorica
